Thirty-seven employees compensated through the APAC-Mississippi Quality Incentive Bonus program

Thirty-seven hardworking APAC-Mississippi employees recently received bonus compensation for their contributions to a successful repaving project on Highway 49.

In early 2024, The Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) awarded APAC-Mississippi with a contract for a highway repaving project in Covington and Simpson counties. The $8.8-millon project to mill and overlay 10 miles of Highway 49 from Mount Olive to Magee included all four travel lanes.

To create a smoother and safer driving surface for the 21,000 vehicles that travel the roadway each day, crews milled the existing pavement surface and replaced it with a new lift of asphalt. They also added a fog seal treatment on the shoulders to extend the life of the existing pavement.

After the work was complete in August 2024, MDOT awarded a ride incentive bonus to APAC-Mississippi, which, in turn, paid a portion of that bonus to its employees who worked on the “mainline” portion of the project at least 50% of the time. Exceeding the smoothness requirements set forth by MDOT is what made this project eligible to receive an incentive. The employees who worked on this project — on road crews, plant crews/quality control and trucking crews — were compensated through the APAC-Mississippi Quality Incentive Bonus program.

Employees who received bonuses for the Highway 49 repaving project included superintendent Randy Barkley, paving foreperson Nessi Magee, milling foreperson Dan McDonald, plant foreperson Zach Burnham, trucking foreperson Perry McDonald and quality control technicians, Jason Gorey and Stephanie Lowery.

A big thank you to these leaders, team members, and everyone involved!

About the APAC-Mississippi Quality Incentive Bonus program

APAC-Mississippi’s Quality Incentive Bonus program is designed to incentivize field, plant and lab personnel to go above and beyond to exceed the ride quality and density quality requirements of contract documents.

Who is eligible for incentive compensation?
To be eligible, an employee must have worked on the project 50% of the total working days related to the scope of work directly effecting ride quality bonus and be employed with the company at the time the incentive is paid. Eligible employees may include field personnel (superintendents, forepersons, operators, laborers), plant, company truck drivers, lab personnel, or any other staff deemed necessary by operations management.

How much do the qualifying employees receive?
Eligible employees receive 15% of the total incentive amount paid by the customer, less any rework costs, corrective grinding, ride quality disincentive, density deductions, and/or any other type of costs related to the quality of the work has been deducted from the incentive payment from the customer.

How are the funds divided among the recipients?
The 15% is spread evenly among all personnel who directly contributed to the quality of the work from start to finish. Evaluated on a project-specific basis, compensation is not based on a weighted average.

When is payment distributed?
Payments are made to eligible employees after management approves the “who, what, when, where, why” of the payment.

To learn more about APAC-Mississippi’s Quality Incentive Bonus program, contact a project manager in your area.